Karaoke Music / Chansons Portugese / Tom Jobim - Quiet Night Of Quiet Stars Corcovado(en)

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars
quiet chords from my guitar

floating on the silence that surrounds us
Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams

quiet walks by quiet streams
and a window looking on

the moutains and the sea
How lovely

This is where I want to be
Here with you so close to me

until the final flicker
of life's ember

I, who was lost and lonely,
believing life was only

a bitter, tragic joke,
have found with you

The meaning of existence
Oh, my love

This is where I want to be
here with you so close to me

until the final flicker of life's ember
I, who was lost and lonely

a bitter, tragic joke,
have found with you

the meaning of existence
The meaning of existence

Oh, my loveing dreamsontil and
have I flickbit
The love
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